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  • HT Letter

    Fri 12 Feb 2021 Mrs Cook

                            LUMBERTUBS PRIMARY SCHOOL

    Address            Tonmead Road, Lumbertubs, Northampton NN3 8HZ                        

    Telephone         01604 408147


    Headteacher      Mrs Ceri Cook  


    10th February 2021

    Dear Parent / Carer,


    I’m sure that you will agree that it seems to have been a very long term and I just want to say a huge thank you for all of your support over the last 6 weeks. I know that ‘home schooling’ your children is not what you expected to be doing but I just want to say that you are doing an amazing job. The children are a credit to you and are trying their best in very difficult circumstances. Please be kind to yourselves and don’t worry if your child is struggling to complete all the work set. Let us know if it is becoming a problem and we will see what we can do to help.


    School staff have been working really hard to ensure that your child is accessing the same curriculum that they would have been taught in school. As well as providing remote learning, they are in school teaching the children of critical workers and also our more vulnerable children. I know that they have enjoyed talking to your children on the phone or on Microsoft Teams; it is our way of keeping in touch. Well done to all the children who are joining the daily live class meetings and who are ‘turning in’ their completed work. Keep it up! I have enjoyed looking at children’s work on Microsoft Teams and sending my Headteacher certificates out to children who have especially impressed us either in school or with their remote learning. Teachers have also been sending out certificates so well done to all the children who have received one so far.


    This Friday, 12th February, is the last day of this term. We would like to hold a Wellbeing Day where all members of our school community can take some time to make sure that they are looking after their own wellbeing. We are asking all children and adults at home or in school to ‘Dress to De-stress!’ Children (and adults) can dress in their favourite colour or favourite outfit whether they are at home or in school. They can wear the colour or outfit that makes them feel happy, at peace or simply good about themselves.  Please send us photographs of your children or put the photos on our Facebook or Twitter feed. We would love to see them. There will be lots of activities around mental health & wellbeing for the children in school or at home to complete.


    Keep your eye on the Mental Health & Wellbeing page on the school website There are lots of activities and ideas to support children’s wellbeing during this lockdown.


    Next week is half term so please give yourselves and your children a break. Enjoy the outdoors and try to have some no screen days. Hopefully the weather will mean that the children can get outside to play or just to go for a walk with you.


    School will re-open for the children of critical workers and vulnerable children who have already been attending school, on Monday 22nd February. Remote learning will also restart so please encourage your children to participate in the live meetings and to keep working hard.

    This is also the date that the Prime Minister will set out the next steps for the country with regards to the national lockdown and in particular, school reopening. We will be in touch when we know more about the Government plans.


    Please remember the current Government rules for the national lockdown:

    • You must not leave, or be outside of your home except where necessary.
    • If you do leave home for a permitted reason, you should always stay in your local area
    • You should minimise time spent outside your home, but you can leave your home to exercise. This should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.
    • Playgrounds are primarily open for use by children who do not have access to private outdoor space, like their own garden. Although you can take your children to a playground for exercise, you must not socialise with other people while there.
    • It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble. 
    • Stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household or support bubble


    It is very important that we all follow these rules. The only positive cases of COVID19 that the school has had, have not come from the school & that is because of the precautions that we are taking in school and because you are following the rules out of school.


    Thank you again for all that you are doing for your children during these challenging times.


    Yours sincerely

    Ceri Cook

