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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details about our Governing body.

About the Governing Body

The Governors are the formal strategic body who meet at least once each term to set priorities for the school and agree on the long term plans including the school budget. They agree the vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school including policy and procedures, with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement and pastoral care, including safeguarding.

Specific duties include agreeing the school budget, setting staffing levels, ensuring that a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered whilst ensuring that management of the school premises is given high priority which includes monitoring the health and safety of pupils, staff and visitors.

The Governing Body is made up of parent governors, elected by the parents of pupils at the school, staff governors including the Headteacher and Trust appointed Governors. The team is made up of a variety of people from different backgrounds but who all share the passionate belief that Lumbertubs Primary School should be a happy and successful school where every child is given the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Contacting Governors

If you would like to contact any of our Governors please send a letter for their attention via the School Office.


Chair of Governors

Lumbertubs Primary School

Tonmead Road




Parents are asked to put their requests or complaints in writing to the Governing Body; most Governors are not based in school and generally only meet formally once each term.

If you have any questions about our Governing Body, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Graham Lampard (Clerk to Governors) through the School Office or send a letter to the above address.

Governors can also be contacted through the school office on:  01604 408147


Governors at Lumbertubs Primary School

Trust Governors

Chair of Governors –  Anne Partridge

Vice Chair of Governors – Wayne Knight

Sue Waller


Staff Governors

Headteacher – Ceri Cook

Deputy Headteacher – Amy Robinson

Staff Governor – Rebecca McGuffick


Parent Governors

Iwona Bzozowska


