School Logo

Year 2

Horse Chestnut Class

A big welcome to Year 2!

We are excited to begin our learning journey together, it's going to be a great year.



 Your teacher this year will be Miss Higgins-White supported by Mrs Harkness and Mrs Wootton.

Mrs Hunt will teach the class on Wednesday and Jack will teach your outdoor PE lesson. 



We have PE on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure that your child comes to school in appropriate PE kit. Their kit should consist of: plain black bottoms, a plain white top, a plain red jumper or fleece and plimsolls or trainers. Trainers may be more suitable for winter in the playground. Jewellery, including earrings, must be removed and left at home and long hair must be tied back. Children cannot take part in PE lessons if they have earrings in. PE is an important part of our curriculum, just like Maths and English, and it is important children are able to participate in this lesson.



Fruit is provided to your child each day free of charge, however, if you wish for your child to have additional morning snack then snack money is £30 for the whole of the school year. You will be given a 4-week window from 4th September to make this payment. Please pay through Parent Mail. We do not accept cash at the classroom door. Juice is also available at morning play and the children have access to water throughout the day. You may wish to send in a water bottle from home. Please make sure this is named.


Home Learning

Your child will have a short Maths or English activity to complete each week to encourage their familiarity with key vocabulary and terminology. It will be based on the work we have completed in class that week. Home Learning is handed out every Friday and must be handed in before the following Thursday. We will also send home logins that give the children access to Reading Eggs and Purple Mash. These websites are a fun way to consolidate the learning they are doing in class.



We encourage the children to read aloud at home each day or at least 5 times a week and this can be recorded in their home reading record. You do not have to write a comment each time, just a signature is fine. You can record any reading your child does at home, even if it is not a school reading book – we love to see what else you are reading! Please have your child’s reading folder in school every day. Your child will bring home 2 reading books a week and a Read Write Inc. take home book. These will be changed every Friday. Please look after the books that are sent home; if a book is lost or damaged then you will be charged £5. There is also some more information about how you can still use Reading VIPERS at home if you click on the link below.


If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will be happy to help.

Miss Higgins-White, Mrs Harkness and Mrs Wootton.

Year 2 Team


Links for home learning:

Purple Mash


Reading Eggs

Spelling Shed

