School Logo

Year 6

Oak Class


A warm welcome to year 6. A year of opportunities where we will provide an exciting curriculum to inspire aspirations in every child and develop a range of life skills.

Mrs Hussain is the class teacher in year 6 closely supported by Miss Wootton. Mrs Hunt will be continuing to teach RE to your children and Jack will be their PE coach.

PE is on a Monday and Tuesday where the children will be expected to be in the correct PE kit.

Plain white tee shirt, plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and suitable trainers or plimsoles.

Home work will be given out on a Friday and will be due in the following Thursday.

The expectation of reading 5 times a week at home will remain with the expectation of all reads being logged into their diaries daily.




Reading - Changing religion

Reading - The Hedgehog's Balloon

At Lumbertubs we believe our curriculum will never be finalised as we are always keeping up to date with our local community and relevant changes needed. However our unique 3D Curriculum is what we base our learning around which is well sequenced in every subject whilst always Aiming for the Top.


We have named our curriculum the '3D curriculum' as we have a 3 dimensional approach with vertical, horizonal and diagonal links around all areas of learning.


Our Cogs enable the children to constantly build upon previous learning whilst adding new knowledge and skills along the way. By constantly revisiting our cogs year after year, the children will know more and remember more and will become ready for their next stage of their education. 

Help guides

Don't forget to use your VIPERS when you are reading books!
