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Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome to the Nursery page. Please keep checking for upcoming events, topic information, rhymes of the week and lots of pictures of all the activities we have been doing.


Nursery Library

Reading makes up a fundamental part of language development in early childhood. Not only does it help with a child's ability to understand words, it also ignites the spark for imagination. Reading plays a crucial role for speech development and introduces children to the world around them as well as new concepts. Here at Lumbertubs we offer you the chance to borrow age appropriate books to enjoy at home with your child along with our Fab Four story collection each term, which will be recorded and sent home for you to enjoy.


Tapestry is a online learning journal which Nursery use to keep you up to date with your child's learning and development. You can also use Tapestry to send Nursery videos and pictures of your child at home, these could be your child singing, climbing, playing with their siblings or even making their own lunch. Please check your emails for your Tapestry activation, feel free to comment on your child's journal as Nursery welcomes any feedback.

If you are having any difficulty logging on to Tapestry please speak to a member of Nursery staff.



Your child will be provided with a healthy snack each day at Nursery, These snacks are free of charge and consist of fruit, milk and water. If your child has any allergies or dietary requirements please let Nursery staff know.

Lunchtime Sessions

If your child is attending the Nursery for 15 hours a week you may wish to pay for lunchtime sessions. AM children’s session time will then be 8.30-12.30 and PM children’s session time will be 11.30-3.30.

These lunchtime sessions will cost £2.50 per session, which will contribute towards the cost of a lunchtime supervisor.

The £2.50 charge does not include food.  Your child must come to Nursery each day with a packed lunch.

Please ensure that your child brings a named lunch box and contains healthy food. We do not allow fizzy drinks or sweets. If your child has grapes in their lunchbox please cut them appropriately (refer to lunchbox leaflet.)

If you forget your child’s lunch box a phone call will be made and you will need to come and collect your child as we cannot provide this for them.


Booking lunchtime sessions:
You can book as many lunch time sessions as you wish for the term. You must book these lunch time sessions a term in advance by filling out the attached booking form.

Booking forms will need to be returned by the last Monday of the previous term.


Payment for lunchtime sessions
You will be asked to make payments for the term in advance, an invoice will be sent to you via parent mail. All payments need to be made in advance for the sessions you have booked and are non-refundable.

Our outdoor development project.

What has the Nursery been getting up to?

Please have a look at our newsletters via the link to see what we have been doing.



