Historians at Lumbertubs develops a sense of the world and enrich their understanding of it through opportunities provided via our creative connected curriculum. Our aim is to:
- make children aware of the achievements of people in the past, addressing gender and multicultural issues.
- develop concepts of continuity and change.
- ensure children understand how the past was different to the present and the people of other times and places may have had different values and attitudes from our own.
- help children gain a knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
- equip children to ask questions, think critically, weigh evidence and develop perspective and judgement.
- encourage children to explore links between history and other subjects.
- develop an interest in the past and an appreciation of human accomplishments and aspirations
Historical themes are mainly delivered through our class topics which form part of a long-term programme; the use of our bespoke progression document ensures continuity and development of skills and knowledge throughout the school. Planning is carried out with a knowledge of skills and concepts taught and ready to build on.
Many of the activities provided allow for differentiation through outcome and by the amount of adult support given to individuals or groups of children and assessed using the bronze, silver, gold assessment criteria for that lesson. Other times differentiated activities are provided to ensure an appropriate coverage of the topic.
At Lumbertubs, we are using Kapow, which is a progressive History scheme of work for Reception to Year 6. Kapow covers enquiry-focused learning, complete national curriculum coverage and clear documentation.