Easter non-uniform day
19th March 2019
Non-uniform Day
Dear Parents/Carers
We are holding an Easter Parade this term and are hosting a non-uniform day (wear your favourite clothes) to support our fund raising for the school Pantomime in December 2019. We have made a good start and our pot now contains £620, we need to raise an additional £2380 to make this possible.
Children can dress in non-uniform on Friday 29th March. Below is a list of items for each year group in which children can bring into school to participate on the day.
All donations will be used for our school Easter Assembly which will be held on Friday 5th April at 9.15am in the hall. We will be holding raffles to support our fundraising for the Pantomime and to support the end of year celebrations for year 6. Tickets will be on sale from the 1st April and will be available from the library in the mornings only, tickets are £1.00 a strip.
Thank you for your continuing support
- Nursery – Chocolate animals
- Reception class –Chocolate animals
- Year 1- Chocolate Easter eggs
- Year 2- Chocolate Easter eggs
- Year 4- Chocolate Easter eggs
- Year 5- Small mini Eggs
- Year 6- Small mini Eggs
Yours Sincerely
Helena Georgiou (PTA Chair)