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Important information regarding school closure

Dear Lumbertubs Parents/Carers,

Following the government’s announcement that schools will close as of Friday 20th March, we have no choice but to close Lumbertubs Primary School and Nursery. We are currently in the process of making plans to ensure that children of Key Workers and vulnerable children are still able to access our school, so that parents working in specific jobs can still go to work as advised and our vulnerable children are as safe as possible.

In order for us to do this, if you fall into one of the Key Worker categories and you will need your child to still come to school, YOU MUST CONTACT US no later than 12.00 on Thursday 19th March. You can do this via email, phone or text. Please be specific of the Key Worker job and if your child will be attending school.

Email :

Call : 01604 408147

Text : 07948 072485

It is vital that we have this information to enable us to ensure that staff are in place to meet this need.

We do not have all the answers on how this will work yet but we will keep you up-to-date throughout today and tomorrow with what the next steps are for our school.

As previously stated all children, if they haven’t received them already, will have home learning packs by Friday so that they can continue school work while at home. There will be work added each day by teachers to each individual class page on our school website and children will be able to access the online learning portals at home.

Please be assured that we will be doing everything possible to support our families and staff. Please keep an eye out for Parent Mail emails and on our school website for all of the latest updates.

I would like to thank you once again for your continued support at this time.

Kind regards,

Mrs Cook
