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Letter from the Headteacher

30th March 2020


Dear Parent / Carer,


Well, we are now into week 2 of our school closure and I hope that you & your families are all safe and well. These are difficult times but we will get through it!


Thank you for all the work that you are doing with your children. I know that teachers are loving the emails being sent to them and the work that has been put onto Tapestry in Early Years. The children have all had their class packs of work and there are daily activities being put onto the class pages of our school website There are also lots of other ideas in the Websites for all ages section. Keep up the good work.


However, this is also an opportunity to spend time with your family. You will probably never get this time again just to enjoy being with your children. The world could be a very different place when this is all over and we should all treasure the time that we have together, even if it has been forced upon us. So please don’t worry if your child doesn’t complete all their maths and English activities every day; they will learn a lot by just being with you and spending time together. Don’t feel guilty that your child is having fun instead of doing English and maths activities. Play games together, cook together, play outside (where possible), go for a walk together and look at the trees and flowers and the world, read together and please, please talk to your children. They are amazing and have so much to say!!!


If you are stuck for things to do or you don’t have access to the internet, we are sending another parent mail with lots of activities that don’t require any technology. Use the time to get your children to read, read, read!!! Any reading is good reading!



Please look after yourselves, follow the government guidance to stay home where possible and stay safe. We miss your children already and can’t wait until we are all back at school ready to continue their journey at Lumbertubs.


Yours sincerely




Ceri Cook


